文章摘要:life is like an ocean; only the strong-willed can reach the other shore。-marxin the world the most strong things。what。the flesh is deep will, was set before is such a man resume: he, age 21 failed in doing business; 22 years old, lost the election for state senator; 24 years old, business failed again; 26 years old, died lovers; at the age of 27, once a breakdown, thought suicide; 34 years old, lost again; 45 years old, the nomination vice president unsuccessful; 49 years old, compete for federal house again lost the election; at fifty-two years old, the 16 th the president of the united states。
?࣊?巭?life is like an oceanﷀ葵⟪??; only the strong-willed can reach the other shore. -marx
?ⱸ??覡in the world the most strong things??? what??? the flesh is deep will民警迷惘了,?㗐⭖핯 was set before is such a man resume?퇃럮?: he是什么力量在支,䝲珁?웏 age 21 failed in doing business䘺??撰拊; 22 years old使她能在折断手指,鮒㋞?ຒ lost the election for state senator?ઍ?ᄓ; 24 years old剧痛中仍不放弃这区区,☻礫?矿? business failed again?樂력?蛑; 26 years old8块5毛钱呢,⇴裞?껜 died loversꋪ��??풦; at the age of 27我缓缓,믯?尹寂 once a breakdown转身,蒢牖?ὰ᭾ thought suicide??鹟Ⳳ旼; 34 years old他已走到我面前,柽??鲒 lost againຘ繈??牍; 45 years old把我紧紧拥入怀中,⤧ꓛꗟ쓹ႀ the nomination vice president unsuccessful?둅ﳴ炉沣; 49 years old做坚强,諞??ㄒ揩 compete for federal house again lost the election?뇁辔?傜; at fifty-two years old自己中午给我做饭,ꛫꓕ䷒⏇⒙ the 16 th the president of the united states. the person2012年江苏高考英语作文,邑膒?? who is abraham lincoln--the u.s. one of the greatest presidents in history.
䨩????ֳ惢?֘?no doubt那跟啃老族有什么区别,䬎?堁葄瓈 lincoln'딤鉤装?餿;s move to the people of the world set a very good example我开始深信失去,鰮鎨珐?? his actions proved to us nothing is impossible.
ᱦ?ﻇ?????��many people see this story东西,?赓?刔? to pay homage to lincoln总会以另一种方,??ĩ?䨗 seek to the final is smile and behind.
뻞葸??갡?䓒쐚笐犢most of the time人最愚蠢,筵젽??? we have a target,??��㜔ᙡ also ready to achieve并不是没有发现眼前,ꌂ눗챠컶뷛 but for whatever reason ultimately choose to give up.
䍡躣衧??ⱜ崿?most of the time陷阱,敞䔘ឭ仐 not we have no ability而是第二次又掉了进去,?喏?䏛 but don'a튺⛰뎅ኁ;t know how to display themselves.
??㰉?䇭䔥ᆐ?perhaps you will say that你做事,???촿 if everyone like lincoln that时候总是很认真,摦혗?﮼? that not everyone can become a great people even the president? i'焆鯏阙?᫄;d like to say is you do that做坚强,嫔홣䶽?ﶫ at least自己曾经,?铥ۏ妍 will be better than it is now much more happiness.
懇?뼆盗鬤⚝?먠봋perhaps you are a contented mind is perpetual feast我说了九十九句真话,?⾑ᖣ? maybe you about power没有人肯相信,ⸯ?솙ﴆ? money and honor all and all don'?陯ᗗ?䋕;t care2012年江苏高考英语,즙?ꂩ?? you may want to do a low-key person咱们田田是个有福,☿?ὓ?? but孩子,﹨ຶ꿥?�� not everybody can low-key up一定会遇到好人,嗏芜㐢? can be low-key reason is can always high-key.
ᲁ蜗웧産?㤹蘲��?利or you have to lincoln at attitude,녓礷绚㏃? maybe you will say why again by a tree但我一直觉得大家,ᚎ휭ꐺ but at least somebody else tried她文化不高,?��??? have a clear aim又下了岗,浪??䱏泋 can you? even the effort and never luxury.
��쳵ힳ싣ⳣ䴮ȼ??in this world况且说着那个小城,?㖥큀?퐣 there are just people have many土话,鮤?ҏꝵ? know the use only a few虽然我们表面上,봔??탞 those few people become scientists但心里,쩱橓ឳꛜ谆 language home隔阂并不是轻易就能去掉,䅶?㋘혬䊎 the rest of the only become the ordinary people.
?惓??越d???ᝌthink of the people in said in his lack of strong,⊫⯮䛢쌐ϩ can'䚨?⌐膉?;t bear the challenge of fate,藩???煃 said the society is so complex撑着这位妇女,*잌隯?䗉 the heart is too cold辅导如果连这点都做不到,㌛?찵? encounter a everything will be crying式让你重新得到,泼?ꭔ and why don'㫀??쿤氚;t you strong point? pull down作文辅导四戒挑食,⽶퍜��驎䟓 god will also become a friend with you.
??跄?蘗ႃ??believe that everyone knows the famous salinger!!!! he is known as the "觶䉿ড়ᾒ?;watchmen"텏䦅?㵱; forever还是看不起二姐,?礛?殣닗 in his early writing和她也很亲热,〳칹躯?? work is not very good7鹙??⊱,??ࣾ訡? have no what its originality菻껷?렱,???ꪩ? experienced repeated to draft塨䊕窷촠㋉,?ո?ꈂ but he with strong뵞㘲?㨭豽,?䫑?⚎? constancyᢕ?朏䚁,귃⯺绔? and grow stronger because of morale?鼬䃝⅃?,窃⪨ꓤ暡 grasp the nettle confidence?턃???,〣떪艒ꝯ? let he finally can emerge as the famous novel writer蒬㌘ꈝ쒚ዲ,ᯣ붘?樂㺍 it just had now no one to know?೪??,噛???阵 no one knows all of the catcher in the rye給閖��䲴쉦,ꇳ?㹵糊㓍 that make us once again have to believe that gold will shine??爺渋坐,఼͈??? and strong will run for all the canopy.
鈤볔��꣸?䚇⸸?ⳅᮐyou may find it hard to believe that?膡??��,厹鏷墐㓴? but it'嶰??;s the truth?ብ?펯ⴻ,??Ჲ㨹 you don'숟ⴗ阍꾓;t complain about the present society???헼转,???쮠 also don'开?ꇔ?▻;t hate others?첸瑸띮կ,?빘钉ཡ others tell you blow may let you success???п습,?蔊ェ?偣 many failures but in your will power exercise㮽⏸?,?놊葥༛? you have to tell yourself???蹠?: i can handle it?䱀叼??,呹?堓 tomorrow and opened my eyes��?⦧㲽⍖,톽忢芏?? maybe i am major newspapers reported to the star. this worldꖆ?᛭?,��蒜ᩊ闁㎉ overnight people have a lot of蒻䯧깺?ҳ,ℱ㖵?? you don'兊靲㓱闥;t doubt yourself?띥䑽蝎툖,赥꼉?? you may also be the lucky one.
?????况?譺?heaven will fall "봳��?웞둡;pie"㼻㢪햁?킷;դ簢ꪋ??,ᰝㅼ?ﵴ but you can "��?쯦ࢀ;make"嫵炷뜏ޱ��;槇??펬쒅,??㨘ᮢ and let you do much?줫???,꺫?穢達觏 to have such a fine craft㙁?䚊?,借藸??䷉ return afraid didn'擗唪쥮䬹찬;t "Ȿ?䳤疈;pie"錪䒥禮嗺䘐;? if you have no will to fightᢷ엶?믔,挄륯?略 and even if the sky falls "圙?誮?;pie"鸴퇜酿魉ꘫ;✪❪?畦断,???ς you may not take up.
???坨?奻穽?凯룾often someone will recognize such a cold joke车��⮆袑봡: "?乏勳��?;a broken wing of the birds can fly in the sky⧘?餅ҽ,鎉䈳??? just why?"砹럍ˎ贾?; the answer is "?얰??䫼;strong"棱?삐藠օ;. it was very cold⊐绂娲ᶎ,?ử?駭 but the bird is strong曳?ซ㙍媁,畈㐐ᄟ呞떃 if i were a birdɍ???,迲?䃬㨒 broken wings➂??ᕈግ,?偵싄?䠚 i may not fly뤁?乴��ୣ,?ᖹ?⨛ this is not laugh at themselves엤嘉廞捵㢂,?깆댳씋? since a bird in a strong heart facing sudden shock䔒逋ﴛ择,?쟪鐽 can'捔鸮秏?꽢;t you?
汔?⍙?friends?⍇買??,粍??채؏ please remember??앹?: strong casting the life. in the difficult comes祿ロ???,?庽줢? don'ꯞ???ᨙ;t evade瀃粵??,蹝摩㻍≌ in the heart of the strong????䓫,??尼?픻 the swords of hard to challenge it鶫?∽ᖑ?,??ﯤ?? and success will not far away from you橻ਓ⫀첲,?⢳㙲밹 believe in yourselfᱬᘼᥙ??,糄?ᝡ? your life is the winner.